RLBot is a framework to create and play against custom bots. I was able to leverage the framework to create a story mode where you play against bots to take over cities. As you win, you can recruit teammates and purchase upgrades! The features was merged back into the RLBotGUI which is the main way of playing against community bots.
MoMath is the National Museum of Mathematics and they have a yearly hackathon where people make exhibits using their SDKs. One of the SDK’s allows you to control the giant touch screen on the floor that kids are usually running around on. Our entry, Vortexpool, came in second in the hackathon. It simulates a vortex for each person it detects on the floor. The link takes you to a demo in the browser (click to create a vortex and click again to remove it)!
A flask based journaling website backed by a sqlite/sqlcipher databse. The database matches layout of the sealnote android application so data can be imported/exported from the android app. The project has been archived since the android app has been archived as well.
With the increasing number of accounts with banks/credit cards, I was finding it difficult to keep track of all my accounts. I tried Mint, Quicken and GNUCash but I had issues with all of them. So I made Lpaid to help me keep track of it! Its a node application that uses Plaid to interact with banks and uses sqlite to store the data locally. The README on github has more info on the project!
Supreme Court Transcripts was an existing archive of transcripts of arguments of the Court. The archive was generated through some undocumented scraping process. To keep this archive updated, I wrote a script to update the existing archive and configured it to run via GitHub actions.